Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Amadi's Worldwide Virtual Tour

Wow! As you know, I am horribly guilty of not blogging and as it turns out, I've been horribly guilty of not visiting blogs, either. And I've been missing good stuff! My friend Katia Novet has launched her wonderful picture book, AMADI'S SNOWMAN, which I mentioned in a previous blog, but what I didn't know was that she has been on a worldwide virtual tour this entire month (Katia - you're a rock star!) with Amadi. It is SO awesome. Check out the Global Virtual Book Tour . From India, to Nigeria, to Haiti to the US and back to India. It's fabulous to see the faces of the kids that have connected with Amadi and shared their thoughts and questions about this charming book over the internet. Check it out - you'll love it.

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