Friday, November 28, 2008

Websites - they're the double-edged sword. I love to go visit them, especially if it's the site of an author that has written a book I love. (Or a musician). But I am struggling trying to put mine together and keep it interesting, yet pertinent. And the TIME - OMGosh, it takes forever, figuring it out, then sizing it and back and forth. Who has this much time??? So, hire someone you say. Let's just not get into the control freak issues, okay?

On that note, I just gave my website a little facelift. Click here to go check it out. Who's website do you LOVE? Send me a link.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Amadi's Worldwide Virtual Tour

Wow! As you know, I am horribly guilty of not blogging and as it turns out, I've been horribly guilty of not visiting blogs, either. And I've been missing good stuff! My friend Katia Novet has launched her wonderful picture book, AMADI'S SNOWMAN, which I mentioned in a previous blog, but what I didn't know was that she has been on a worldwide virtual tour this entire month (Katia - you're a rock star!) with Amadi. It is SO awesome. Check out the Global Virtual Book Tour . From India, to Nigeria, to Haiti to the US and back to India. It's fabulous to see the faces of the kids that have connected with Amadi and shared their thoughts and questions about this charming book over the internet. Check it out - you'll love it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Representation - Accepted!

Well, I'm back and I've got exciting news - my dream agent, Kate Schafer Testerman, offered to represent BOTH my manuscripts yesterday! And of course - you know the ending to that story - I said yes! (Those sassy red heels are for the holidays and you, KST - hope you like!)

I listened to Kate moderate a First Pages session at our local SCBWI conference last spring with Arthur Levine and I thought at the time, 'there's the perfect agent for me'. So about a month after the conference I submitted a query and she requested a partial of THE GETHEAS STONE (formerly The Legacy). Then the full. In the meantime, I wrote another manuscript, THE FAERIE RING (formerly The Thief's Apprentice). In September Kate asked for revisions on TGS and said she'd read TFR in the meantime. Well, I finished my revisions about two weeks ago and she's interested in both manuscripts. Yay! :)

We're going to go out with THE FAERIE RING first so I'll keep you posted. Set in London, 1871, TFR is the story of 16 year old Tiki, an orphan and pickpocket, who steals the Queen's ring. What Tiki doesn't know is that the ring is a reservoir that holds a truce between man and the fey. Rieker, a thief from the North End, takes a sudden interest in Tiki and accuses her of taking the ring. Tiki denies the crime, but Rieker begins following her and tells her that not only are the royals seeking return of the Queen's ring, but faeries, some quite vicious, are after the bauble too. Tiki isn't sure what to believe until Clara, a frail and sickly five year old she cares for, is stolen by Larkin, a faerie obsessed with Rieker. Who can Tiki trust? Can she get Clara back and get the reward for the return of the ring?

So, with all the excitement I thought hmmm, maybe I should check my website. It was down. So hopefully that will be fixed sometime soon. Then I wandered over here to the woefully neglected blog. Hmmmm, guess I need to do a little better on the posting thing - but NOW, I might have to something to post about! Woo hoo! Stay in touch - hopefully more good news to come!