Monday, November 30, 2009

The End of National Novel Writing Month

As you know, I made the unfortunate decision to not participate in NaNoWriMo this year. But many of you did, and as I'm writing this you have 23 minutes to finish up those 50,000 words. Good luck!

To those who have finished, congrats! You obviously worked very hard, and have a talent that I most definitely don't; the ability to sit down and crank out words. I have been working on my novel for months, and I still only have 11,253 words as of this moment. Every writer can take a leaf from you NaNoers book and practice the ability of sitting butt in chair and just writing. Me included. So good work!

To those who didn't finish, don't be hard on yourself. There are actually a few reasons why its good to not finish. First of all, you have a great start on a novel, but you can finish it and work it now at your own pace. That can enhance the quality of your work and just provide some major relief. Obviously you still have to write something, but there is no longer the break-neck pace deadline looming over your head. Use this to make your piece more publishable then it would have been if you had written it in a month.

I hope all you who did do NaNo learned something valuable about yourself as a writer, whether or not you finished. Just keep working and you will have a finished product that you're proud of.

Sarah Allen

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Are Gonna Want Some of This - Book Contest Extravaganza!!

THE ENCHANTED INKPOT, a group blog for writers, readers and lovers of MG and YA fantasy novels is offering up their First Annual Inkies Giveway Extravaganza! Take a look at that beautiful picture and you'll get an idea of the prizes that are in store for the lucky winners. And nt just one book, or one winner - There will be THREE lucky winners will each win a BASKET of books! And not only are these fabulous books, many by Inkpot authors, but most of the copies are SIGNED by the authors. Woot!

Contest winners are selected based on who can produce the most online promotion points for the Enchanted Inkpot during the contest timeframe, which ends December 9th. In order to qualify, all you have to do is comment on the original post over at the Inkpot. So hop on over there now and spread the word - because who doesn't love free books??

Swine Flue Marketing for Artists

I've heard a little about this idea lately, and I think its something good for all kinds of artists to keep in mind in terms of getting publicity for their work.

The idea is that you take advantage of big news concerns, like the swine flu, and use it to get the word out about your product or business. Now, this sounds sort of cynical, but the idea isn't to manipulate people; its to show involvement and concern for society, and people want to get to know you more when they feel that you care about what they care about.

This has mostly been a small business thing, from what I can see, but I think it can apply to writers and artists just as well. Here are some ways you can use the swine flu 'viral' marketing system to market your creative writing:

-Write about it directly. For example, write a poem, personal essay or short story about swine flu, or whatever the big news item is. You can send it to any of the normal literary magazines you submit to, but you might try looking in to different types of publications, like news magazines or publications that address your topic specifically.

-Apply the news to previous work. You may not have a book about swine flu specifically, but you may have a scifi book about epidemics, or a mainstream book about living with illness. Blog about it, tell your friends about it, and people who may not have noticed your book before may notice it.

-Apply it to your personal life. If the big news applies to you or a loved on personally, use the internet, local news and whatever else you can think of to not just draw attention to you and your work, but to the issue itself, and maybe do some good while your at it. Win/win situation for everyone.

***Even if the big news doesn't affect you personally, still be involved, and address it in your social networking, blogging, local news, or whatever. Its good to convey to your audience that you are socially concerned and aware.

-Target Audience. Target the people the news sources that the big news affects most of all, and see if you can use those outlets to get the news out about your work. Obviously you don't want to spam the news sources and bug people, because that backfires. But as a member of the community and an intelligent person with something interesting to say, this can be another means of social networking, and that is always a good thing.

So use the news to your advantage and get your work out there!
Sarah Allen

Friday, November 27, 2009


HARRY POTTER star DANIEL RADCLIFFE has blasted reports he smoked marijuana at a party - and is considering launching legal action over the claims.
The actor was pictured in Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper on Friday (13Nov09) apparently smoking a roll-up cigarette as a pal painted a comedy moustache on his face at a get-together with friends.
The newspaper alleged Radcliffe had been puffing pot at the bash - but he has denied the claims and is considering taking legal action.
A representative for the star tells WENN, "We categorically deny the allegations regarding Daniel Radcliffe published in today's Daily Mirror. Daniel does smoke the occasional roll-up cigarette, but he was not doing anything more than this. We are considering our position and will be taking all necessary action in relation to such allegations."


HARRY POTTER star DANIEL RADCLIFFE has blasted reports he smoked marijuana at a party - and is considering launching legal action over the claims.
The actor was pictured in Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper on Friday (13Nov09) apparently smoking a roll-up cigarette as a pal painted a comedy moustache on his face at a get-together with friends.
The newspaper alleged Radcliffe had been puffing pot at the bash - but he has denied the claims and is considering taking legal action.
A representative for the star tells WENN, "We categorically deny the allegations regarding Daniel Radcliffe published in today's Daily Mirror. Daniel does smoke the occasional roll-up cigarette, but he was not doing anything more than this. We are considering our position and will be taking all necessary action in relation to such allegations."


HARRY POTTER actor RUPERT GRINT is to replace STEVE COOGAN in a film about British ski-jump legend Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards.
The plasterer was the sole British applicant for the 1988 Winter Olympics ski-jumping competition and became the first competitor to represent Great Britain in the sport.
He became a national treasure despite his lack of success - finishing last in both of his events.
In 2007, Coogan was signed up to tackle the role of Edwards in a film depicting the comical athlete's Olympic journey.
But British newspaper the Sunday Mirror reports Grint will now take over from the Night At the Museum star.
The movie, directed by Declan Lowney, is scheduled to go into production later this year (09)


HARRY POTTER actor RUPERT GRINT is to replace STEVE COOGAN in a film about British ski-jump legend Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards.
The plasterer was the sole British applicant for the 1988 Winter Olympics ski-jumping competition and became the first competitor to represent Great Britain in the sport.
He became a national treasure despite his lack of success - finishing last in both of his events.
In 2007, Coogan was signed up to tackle the role of Edwards in a film depicting the comical athlete's Olympic journey.
But British newspaper the Sunday Mirror reports Grint will now take over from the Night At the Museum star.
The movie, directed by Declan Lowney, is scheduled to go into production later this year (09)


TOM FELTON has come to the defence of his HARRY POTTER co-star DANIEL RADCLIFFE following a media report accusing the actor of dabbling in drugs.
Radcliffe was forced to deny allegations he had been puffing on cannabis at a party after a series of pictures published in Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper on Friday (13Nov09) apparently showed the 20 year old smoking a roll-up cigarette.
Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy in the wizard franchise, admits his pal was left shaken by the claims but he's convinced Radcliffe will be able to weather the media storm.
He tells U.K. TV show GMTV, "I spoke to him briefly just to make sure he was OK and he seemed to be dealing with it alright. I think he's come to terms with the fact that the press are not always on his side. It doesn't make it easier when people are publishing articles that aren't true.
"Obviously I feel for the guy, I know he's got a very strong head on him and I know he'll sail through this one easily. It's not easy, but no one can do it better than Daniel."


TOM FELTON has come to the defence of his HARRY POTTER co-star DANIEL RADCLIFFE following a media report accusing the actor of dabbling in drugs.
Radcliffe was forced to deny allegations he had been puffing on cannabis at a party after a series of pictures published in Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper on Friday (13Nov09) apparently showed the 20 year old smoking a roll-up cigarette.
Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy in the wizard franchise, admits his pal was left shaken by the claims but he's convinced Radcliffe will be able to weather the media storm.
He tells U.K. TV show GMTV, "I spoke to him briefly just to make sure he was OK and he seemed to be dealing with it alright. I think he's come to terms with the fact that the press are not always on his side. It doesn't make it easier when people are publishing articles that aren't true.
"Obviously I feel for the guy, I know he's got a very strong head on him and I know he'll sail through this one easily. It's not easy, but no one can do it better than Daniel."


HARRY POTTER star EMMA WATSON struggled with her first week of university life as her fellow students gawped at their celebrity classmate.
The 19-year-old British actress has begun her first year at the prestigious Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, where she is studying English literature.
The paparazzi has followed the star to her campus - and her classmates were just as fascinated by Watson's presence.
She says, "The first week was a little bit tough - you know, I'm a new face in America, let alone the town where I'm studying, so it took a while for people to kind of get used to seeing me around."
When asked how she balances her classes with her career, Watson adds, "I don't really know to be honest! I think you make time for things that you care about. You seem to make extra hours in the day for things you're passionate about and I love everything that I do so it's all worth it!"


HARRY POTTER star EMMA WATSON struggled with her first week of university life as her fellow students gawped at their celebrity classmate.
The 19-year-old British actress has begun her first year at the prestigious Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, where she is studying English literature.
The paparazzi has followed the star to her campus - and her classmates were just as fascinated by Watson's presence.
She says, "The first week was a little bit tough - you know, I'm a new face in America, let alone the town where I'm studying, so it took a while for people to kind of get used to seeing me around."
When asked how she balances her classes with her career, Watson adds, "I don't really know to be honest! I think you make time for things that you care about. You seem to make extra hours in the day for things you're passionate about and I love everything that I do so it's all worth it!"

More Creative Writing Title Ideas

A while ago I posted some creative writing title ideas, and I think for today it may be a good idea to do that again, as well as discuss the process of titling your piece.

For me, titling is one of my favorite parts of a piece. Its a very intuitive process, and what works for me may not work for you, but there are certain things that may help everyone. And remember, writing down prospective titles in the back of your creative writing notebook is a great thing to do. Remember to make your title match your piece. You don't want false advertising. Let your title hint at the issues in your piece, but don't give everything away. There are no real rules for titling, so do what works for you. But just as a starting point, here are some "formulas" that may give you some ideas:

-'The Noun' or One Word titles: The Mask, The Notebook, The Road, The Stand, Macbeth, Les Miserables, Twilight, Frasier, Lost

-Pairing: (if you pair quirky things this can be pretty fun) Guns 'n Roses, Cats and Dogs, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

-Person and Phrase: Dan in Real Life, Anne of Green Gables, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends

-Known Phrase: I can't really think of specific examples for this one, except I have one short story called 'The Title of My Life'. Also the title of the novel I'm working on is a phrase from a Shakespeare play...which I will reveal at a later date :-)

-Word + Qualifier: Star Wars, Happy Feet, Star Trek, Silent Spring

-Verb(noun) + Phrase: Running out of Time, Interview with a Vampire, Touching Spirit Bear, Pushing Daisies

Anyway, those are just some basic ideas that may help, and here's just a random list of titles from the back of my notebooks that you can steal/use to get your own ideas:

-I Love You, Take a Right
-Your Whole Death Ahead of You
-In Between Raindrops
-Dissonant Peace
-Pickled Down
-Dead of 87
-This Narrative Woman

Hope this helps, and hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Sarah Allen

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beauty and the Beast rose for Thanksgiving Creative Joy

Sending a red rose to you, originally uploaded by SivaTian.

This is just an incredible photo I found on Flickr, and thought it might make you all as happy as it made me. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sarah Allen

What I'm Thankful for as a Writer

Here is just a quick list of what I'm thankful for:

The Internet
Good books
The smell of books
Egg nog
The Macey's thanksgiving day parade
My black leather notebook
The dog show
Good food
My computer
Brigham Young University
C. S. Lewis
Charles Dickens

Thanks everyone! Hope you have a fantastic day!
Sarah Allen

P.S. Here are my new GoodReads and Flickr accounts, if you wanna check them out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How to use Thanksgiving to your creative writing advantage

As we begin preparations for the Thanksgiving holiday, here are some ways you can use the holiday weekend to your creative writing advantage:

-Write. Yes you're probably going to be spending the next 48 hours in the kitchen, or gabbing with relatives or babysitting children and what not, but we have a break from normal stuff like school and work and whenever that happens you never know what random opportunities may come up for good writing time. Take advantage of it. Take a break from cooking and go write!

-Get stories. There's no better way to find awesome quirky characters then by hanging out with your crazy relatives. Watch them and find meaningful nuances and stories.

-Read a book or go see a movie. Again, take some of the free time you may or may not have this weekend and read that book you've been meaning to get to, or take your family to some of the awesome movies that have been coming out lately.

-Send off your stuff. Finish up your piece and send it off. That way your piece will be ready and waiting when editors and agents come back from their holiday.

-Collaborate. With family sitting around, why not get some of them together and start a new piece as a group? It could give you something new to work on, and it could turn out to be way fun.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Sarah Allen

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Creative Writing: the Next Sentence Rule

You've been working on your novel or short story. You finish for the night, and spend the next day in school or meetings or driving kids or whatever. Finally you have a moment to yourself, and you go to sit down to continue working on your piece. You open your file, put your hands on the keyboard, and nothing comes. You sit there, trying to think of the best way to continue the story, but before you can get anything down you are called away on another errand. This happens to me pretty much every time I sit down to write. Ok, not every time, but a lot. So what I've come up with to maybe help with this problem is what I call 'The Next Sentence Rule.'

Basically what the next sentence rule says is this: write down or memorize the last sentence you've written of your piece. While you're in classes, school, the car, wherever, have that sentence with you (in your head or on paper), and write the one that comes next (in your head or on paper). That way when you sit down back at your computer you will have something to get your fingers moving. You'll have something to start back up with, and a lot of times thats all you need to get cracking.

So while your driving home for the holidays, sitting around the table with your family, going to classes, work, or whatever, be thinking and be ready with your next few words for the next time you sit down to write.

Hope this helps, and happy holidays!
Sarah Allen

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Poet of the Day: Thomas Hardy

One of the best ways to improve your own craft is to learn from the experts, so I figure looking at some expert writers--authors, poets, lyricists, screenwriters, etc.--will help all of us aspiring writers. In one of my classes we recently studied Thomas Hardy, so I figured he was a good one to start with.

Thomas Hardy

Though you most likely know him as the author of Tess of the D'Ubervilles, I'd like to look at his poetry. First of all, poetry is shorter, second of all, Tess of the D'Ubervilles is just...not easy. So to give you a glimpse of his poetry here is a snippet of one of his best poems, 'The Darkling Thrush'

'At once a voice arose among
the bleak twigs overhead
in a full-heated evensong
of joy illimited;
An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,
in blast-beruffled plume,
had chosen thus to fling his soul
upon the growing gloom.'

Why I Love Him

Almost everything he writes is negative or pessimistic. Sometimes it is just so refreshing to hear someone really say how they feel, but what I love about his sad tone is that it is so passionate and intense; he is almost desperate to the point of hopefulness. Like in the poem, it talks about this frosty, grey, gloomy, hopeless place and the frosty, grey, gloomy, hopeless character in it. And then this little ragged bird starts singing, and you get the feeling Hardy is desperate to find someone or something that feels hope, even if he can't feel it himself. Its sort of a desperate pessimists cry for optimism, and even though he is so pessimistic, that makes me happy. In another one of his poems, 'Neutral Tones', he writes the line "alive enough to have strength to die", and I think that describes Hardy's level of hope. He has enough hope to live, but just barely. And thats where I get the desperate voice that draws me in so intensely.

He is such an incredible crafter of words. From the one word level (how great a word is 'Darkling'), to phrases--'fling his soul.' Every word is emotionally fraught and meticulously chosen.

His insight on humanity is incredible. In 'Tess,' even the way he describes her mouth is insightful. Tess' lover is describing her lips, and he says, "Perfect, he, as a lover, might have called them off-hand. But no--they were not perfect. And it was the touch of the imperfect upon the would-be perfect that gave the sweetness, because it was that which gave the humanity." How awesome is that? It makes me feel so much better about myself and life. And all he was doing was describing a country girls mouth.

Why I Don't

Almost everything he writes is negative or pessimistic. Sometimes its just really difficult to get through it. It can just be so depressing, because there seems to be no hope. But you can find hope if you look hard enough.

Some of his dialogue is a little ridiculous. Not that I'm in any position to really critique the writing style of Thomas Hardy, and I'm sure every word of his dialogue was purposeful, but it can just be frustrating sometimes. Which, I'm sure, is exactly what he wanted.

Have you read Thomas Hardy? What did you think of him? If not, if you feel up to the challenge I think his brilliance is worth the temporary depression and difficulty.

Happy reading!
Sarah Allen

Friday, November 20, 2009

Top Three Creative Writing Books

Here's a quick list of my top three favorite creative writing books. Here you go:

1-On Writing, by Stephen King

2-Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass

3-Plot & Structure, by James Scott Bell

Happy reading, writing, and weekend!
Sarah Allen

College Scholarship Psoriasis


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley Dursley are attacked by two Dementors, but Harry manages to drive the Dementors off with a Patronus charm. Shortly thereafter, the Ministry of Magic detect the act of underage wizardry and attempt to have Harry expelled from Hogwarts immediately, but this is modified to a trial later in the summer. After experiencing horrible nightmares depicting the evil Lord Voldemort's return, Harry is awoken by the arrival of an advance guard of wizards who escort him to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization founded by Dumbledore. It is only now that Harry discovers that under the Ministry's influence the newspaper The Daily Prophet has launched a smear campaign against anyone who claims that Voldemort has returned, leaving Harry feeling isolated and betrayed by the Wizarding community. Harry and the other members of the Order fly to 12 Grimmauld Place, the home of Sirius Black, where they meet with Sirius, Remus, Ron, Hermione and others. Later, Ron and Hermione express concern about Harry's situation with the Ministry.

Harry and Arthur Weasley head to the court where Harry's trial will take place, briefly spotting Lucius Malfoy speaking with the minister on their way. With the help of Dumbledore and Harry's neighbour, Mrs Figg, Harry is cleared of all charges at the Ministry and is allowed to return to Hogwarts. However, during Harry, Ron and Hermione's fifth year at Hogwarts School, the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge appoints a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge, a Senior Ministry official who refuses to teach practical magic to her students, as the Ministry fears Dumbledore will organize his own personal wizard army. One day during class, Harry is punished for claiming that Cedric Diggory was killed by Voldemort, which according to the Ministry's official policy is a lie. In Umbridge's office, Harry is forced to write "I must not tell lies" repeatedly as punishment. However, the sentence is magically imprinted on his hand instead, causing scarring. Meanwhile, as Umbridge's control over the school increases, Ron and Hermione aid Harry in forming a secret defence group, calling themselves "Dumbledore's Army" or DA for short. Harry, Ron and Hermione start teaching at Hogwarts, training students in defensive spells to become part of the Army. Draco Malfoy and other Slytherin students are then recruited by Umbridge to try to uncover the secretive group, creating the Inquisitorial Squad. Meanwhile, Harry officially begins a relationship with Cho, as they kiss one day after training. In an attempt to tighten her oppressive grip on Hogwarts, Umbridge dismisses Professor Sybill Trelawney and tries to have her banished from Hogwarts, which is only prevented after Dumbledore's intervention.

Harry's nightmares continue, including a dangerous attack upon Arthur Weasley in the Department of Mysteries involving Nagini, Lord Voldermort's snake, which happens to turn true. Harry's anger starts to get out of control, as his mental connection to Voldemort grows stronger. Fearing Voldemort will exploit his connection with Harry, Dumbledore immediately instructs Professor Snape to give Harry a crash course on Occlumency lessons in an attempt to block Harry's mind from the Dark Lord's influence.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix Lestrange escapes from Azkaban along with other Death Eaters after one of the prison walls is damaged by lightning flashes. At Hogwarts, Umbridge, Filch and her loyal Inquisitorial Squad, uncover Dumbledore's Army after interrogating one of the students, Cho Chang for whom Harry had developed intense feelings. Dumbledore is questioned and makes an impressive escape as Fudge orders his arrest. With Dumbledore gone, Umbridge becomes the new Headmistress, and her sinister dominance over the school continues. Later, Hagrid introduces Harry, Ron and Hermione to his half-brother giant, Grawp. Later, Harry reverses Snape's spell by glimpsing into Snape's mind. It is then that Harry learns that Harry's father used to bully Snape when they were students at Hogwarts, which appears to be the real cause behind Snape's resentment towards Harry. Meanwhile the Weasley twins, Fred and George formulate a plan of their own.

During an O.W.L. exam, the Weasley twins execute their plan, launching a firework display in the great hall causing chaos for Umbridge, Fudge and the students of Slytherin house. As the students cheer joyously outside, Harry suffers a vision of Sirius trapped within the bowels of the Ministry being interrogated about the Order. Harry, Ron, and Hermione rush to search for Sirius, but Umbridge, soon after, catches the trio attempting to use the Floo Network, and begins interrogating Harry. She calls for Professor Snape to bring Veritaserum for use during her interrogation, as she has for all of her previous interrogations, but Snape tells her that the supply has been exhausted. Hermione then tricks Umbridge into entering the Forbidden Forest along with Harry and her in search of a faux weapon, really leading her to the hiding place of Grawp who has since freed himself from the tree he was latched to, when a herd of centaurs, who have their own issues with the Ministry, emerge and carry the Headmistress into the darkness. Hermione and Harry head back to Hogwarts to find Ron and other DA members, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley, the group decided to fly to London by way of the Thestrals (winged horse-like magical creatures) to the Department of Mysteries of London City in an attempt to save Sirius.

The six enter the Department of Mysteries, where they uncover a prophecy involving Harry and Voldemort, but are soon ambushed by Death Eaters, including Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, Sirius's deranged cousin. After a brief battle and a failed escape attempt, the Death Eaters, manage to take Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Ginny as hostages threatening to kill them if Harry does not hand over the prophecy. Sirius appears, with the other members of the Order of the Phoenix, and attacks the Death Eaters causing Lucius to drop the prophecy, which then shatters. A battle erupts as the Death Eaters try to stop the students from escaping, resulting in Sirius's death at Bellatrix's hand. Back in the Atrium, Harry corners Bellatrix, where he struggles with his desire to enact the Cruciatus curse. Voldemort himself appears, ready to kill Harry when Dumbledore emerges to face his battle against Voldemort.

A brief but furious duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore takes place, in which Bellatrix escapes through the Floo Network. When Voldemort disappears, and the battle seems over, Harry suddenly finds himself possessed by Voldemort-- recalling images of his past, of his family and his friendsbut throws off Voldemort's influence, stating that he is stronger than Voldermort through his friends and his ability to love. Ministry officials, including Fudge, hastily arrive via the Floo Network moments before Voldemort disappears.

In the aftermath of the battle, the Ministry is forced to end their smear campaign and Umbridge is removed from Hogwarts, awaiting a formal investigation. Dumbledore explains that he had attempted to distance himself from Harry all year, hoping it would lessen the risk of Voldemort discovering and using the connection between the two. While the students head home from Hogwarts at the end of the academic year, Harry tells his friends that they have one thing Voldemort does not: love, a power worth fighting for.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley Dursley are attacked by two Dementors, but Harry manages to drive the Dementors off with a Patronus charm. Shortly thereafter, the Ministry of Magic detect the act of underage wizardry and attempt to have Harry expelled from Hogwarts immediately, but this is modified to a trial later in the summer. After experiencing horrible nightmares depicting the evil Lord Voldemort's return, Harry is awoken by the arrival of an advance guard of wizards who escort him to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization founded by Dumbledore. It is only now that Harry discovers that under the Ministry's influence the newspaper The Daily Prophet has launched a smear campaign against anyone who claims that Voldemort has returned, leaving Harry feeling isolated and betrayed by the Wizarding community. Harry and the other members of the Order fly to 12 Grimmauld Place, the home of Sirius Black, where they meet with Sirius, Remus, Ron, Hermione and others. Later, Ron and Hermione express concern about Harry's situation with the Ministry.

Harry and Arthur Weasley head to the court where Harry's trial will take place, briefly spotting Lucius Malfoy speaking with the minister on their way. With the help of Dumbledore and Harry's neighbour, Mrs Figg, Harry is cleared of all charges at the Ministry and is allowed to return to Hogwarts. However, during Harry, Ron and Hermione's fifth year at Hogwarts School, the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge appoints a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge, a Senior Ministry official who refuses to teach practical magic to her students, as the Ministry fears Dumbledore will organize his own personal wizard army. One day during class, Harry is punished for claiming that Cedric Diggory was killed by Voldemort, which according to the Ministry's official policy is a lie. In Umbridge's office, Harry is forced to write "I must not tell lies" repeatedly as punishment. However, the sentence is magically imprinted on his hand instead, causing scarring. Meanwhile, as Umbridge's control over the school increases, Ron and Hermione aid Harry in forming a secret defence group, calling themselves "Dumbledore's Army" or DA for short. Harry, Ron and Hermione start teaching at Hogwarts, training students in defensive spells to become part of the Army. Draco Malfoy and other Slytherin students are then recruited by Umbridge to try to uncover the secretive group, creating the Inquisitorial Squad. Meanwhile, Harry officially begins a relationship with Cho, as they kiss one day after training. In an attempt to tighten her oppressive grip on Hogwarts, Umbridge dismisses Professor Sybill Trelawney and tries to have her banished from Hogwarts, which is only prevented after Dumbledore's intervention.

Harry's nightmares continue, including a dangerous attack upon Arthur Weasley in the Department of Mysteries involving Nagini, Lord Voldermort's snake, which happens to turn true. Harry's anger starts to get out of control, as his mental connection to Voldemort grows stronger. Fearing Voldemort will exploit his connection with Harry, Dumbledore immediately instructs Professor Snape to give Harry a crash course on Occlumency lessons in an attempt to block Harry's mind from the Dark Lord's influence.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix Lestrange escapes from Azkaban along with other Death Eaters after one of the prison walls is damaged by lightning flashes. At Hogwarts, Umbridge, Filch and her loyal Inquisitorial Squad, uncover Dumbledore's Army after interrogating one of the students, Cho Chang for whom Harry had developed intense feelings. Dumbledore is questioned and makes an impressive escape as Fudge orders his arrest. With Dumbledore gone, Umbridge becomes the new Headmistress, and her sinister dominance over the school continues. Later, Hagrid introduces Harry, Ron and Hermione to his half-brother giant, Grawp. Later, Harry reverses Snape's spell by glimpsing into Snape's mind. It is then that Harry learns that Harry's father used to bully Snape when they were students at Hogwarts, which appears to be the real cause behind Snape's resentment towards Harry. Meanwhile the Weasley twins, Fred and George formulate a plan of their own.

During an O.W.L. exam, the Weasley twins execute their plan, launching a firework display in the great hall causing chaos for Umbridge, Fudge and the students of Slytherin house. As the students cheer joyously outside, Harry suffers a vision of Sirius trapped within the bowels of the Ministry being interrogated about the Order. Harry, Ron, and Hermione rush to search for Sirius, but Umbridge, soon after, catches the trio attempting to use the Floo Network, and begins interrogating Harry. She calls for Professor Snape to bring Veritaserum for use during her interrogation, as she has for all of her previous interrogations, but Snape tells her that the supply has been exhausted. Hermione then tricks Umbridge into entering the Forbidden Forest along with Harry and her in search of a faux weapon, really leading her to the hiding place of Grawp who has since freed himself from the tree he was latched to, when a herd of centaurs, who have their own issues with the Ministry, emerge and carry the Headmistress into the darkness. Hermione and Harry head back to Hogwarts to find Ron and other DA members, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley, the group decided to fly to London by way of the Thestrals (winged horse-like magical creatures) to the Department of Mysteries of London City in an attempt to save Sirius.

The six enter the Department of Mysteries, where they uncover a prophecy involving Harry and Voldemort, but are soon ambushed by Death Eaters, including Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, Sirius's deranged cousin. After a brief battle and a failed escape attempt, the Death Eaters, manage to take Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Ginny as hostages threatening to kill them if Harry does not hand over the prophecy. Sirius appears, with the other members of the Order of the Phoenix, and attacks the Death Eaters causing Lucius to drop the prophecy, which then shatters. A battle erupts as the Death Eaters try to stop the students from escaping, resulting in Sirius's death at Bellatrix's hand. Back in the Atrium, Harry corners Bellatrix, where he struggles with his desire to enact the Cruciatus curse. Voldemort himself appears, ready to kill Harry when Dumbledore emerges to face his battle against Voldemort.

A brief but furious duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore takes place, in which Bellatrix escapes through the Floo Network. When Voldemort disappears, and the battle seems over, Harry suddenly finds himself possessed by Voldemort-- recalling images of his past, of his family and his friendsbut throws off Voldemort's influence, stating that he is stronger than Voldermort through his friends and his ability to love. Ministry officials, including Fudge, hastily arrive via the Floo Network moments before Voldemort disappears.

In the aftermath of the battle, the Ministry is forced to end their smear campaign and Umbridge is removed from Hogwarts, awaiting a formal investigation. Dumbledore explains that he had attempted to distance himself from Harry all year, hoping it would lessen the risk of Voldemort discovering and using the connection between the two. While the students head home from Hogwarts at the end of the academic year, Harry tells his friends that they have one thing Voldemort does not: love, a power worth fighting for.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Harry, Ron and Hermione enter their fourth year at Hogwarts. After having a strange dream of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, Harry Potter awakes at the Weasleys' house where they shortly depart for the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. After the match, the camp is attacked by Death Eaters. The three later arrive at Hogwarts, where they find that the magical school will be hosting a legendary event called the Triwizard Tournament, in which one wizard each from two rival schools and Hogwarts will compete in three dangerous tasks. When the schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the rival schools, arrive, the rules are announced. Meanwhile, Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody arrives at Hogwarts at the request of Dumbledore to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Moody is a very eccentric man, noted for his paranoia and his wildly roaming "mad eye". People over seventeen who are interested must insert their name into the Goblet of Fire, and those chosen will be the Champions of their respective school. Three champions' names come out of the Goblet of Fire, Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, and then the goblet unexpectedly produces a fourth, Harry Potter, although he is an under-age fourth year who never entered. Although Harry insists that he did not enter his name, his selection prompts a certain amount of jealousy and suspicion on part of his fellow students - including Ron, who believes that Harry is attempting to make himself the centre of attention again. This causes a brief period of resentment and estrangement between the two friends (including Ron swearing, telling Harry to piss off!), which is soon healed, however. Dumbledore tells Alastor to keep an eye on Harry, without him knowing it.

The Tournament begins with the first event, in which the four champions must each battle a dragon to retrieve a golden egg. Upon using the Accio spell to summon his broom, he flies out of the arena. The dragon breaks free of its chain and chases Harry through the Hogwarts grounds, where it runs into a stone bridge and falls dead. Harry gets the egg, which, when opened, will reveal a clue about the second task. When Harry opens it, though, only a horrible screeching is heard. They are soon informed of the Yule Ball, a Christmas ball held during the Triwizard Tournament. Ron and Harry find it hard to get dates to the ball, but finally get the Patil twins to join them, while Hermione goes with Viktor Krum, stunning everyone with her suddenly beautiful appearance at the ball. Ron is so jealously enraged at seeing Hermione with Krum (formerly his idol) that he attacks her and accuses her of "fraternizing with the enemy". The ensuing argument leaves Hermione in tears (in the film version only).

Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts champion, informs Harry to submerge the egg in water and open it. There he will hear the clue. Harry does as told in the prefects' enormous collective bath. The clue mentions that merpeople have taken something of Harry's and that they must retrieve it from the Black Lake. Just as the three are trying to find a way to breathe underwater, Ron and Hermione are called to McGonagall's office. Neville tells Harry about gillyweed, which, if eaten, can let you grow webbed hands and feet and gills. During the second task, Harry follows a mermaid to where they have chained Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, and Fleur's sister. Cho Chang is retrieved by Cedric, Victor, the Durmstrang champion, takes Hermione. Harry takes both Ron and Fleur's sister, since she did not show up.

Finally, the third task arrives. A huge maze has been set up, in the center of which is the Triwizard Cup. The first to touch the cup wins the task. Dumbledore allows Harry and Cedric to be led into the woods first, because they both received first and second place in the previous task. Both Cedric and Harry grab the cup at the same time. The cup, which is actually a portkey, sends the two to a graveyard, where Wormtail appears with a form of Voldemort. Upon command, Wormtail kills Cedric and binds Harry to a tombstone. Wormtail performs a spell over a burning cauldron and drops Voldemort into it. A fully revived Voldemort emerges from it and summons the Death Eaters with the Dark Mark. After explaining to them how he lost his powers to Harry, he duels Harry Potter, in which their spells join in a chain. Harry breaks the chain and gets Cedric's body. After grabbing the cup again, he is transported back to the school where everyone learns that the Dark Lord is back and has killed Cedric. Mad-Eye Moody takes Harry to his office in order to help Harry calm down. Moody suddenly starts to change his appearance when he learns that he has run out of Polyjuice Potion. Moody tells Harry that it was he who told Hagrid to lead Harry and Cedric into the woods first. Moody also reveals that it was he who told Cedric to open the egg underwater and that he gave Neville the book that led him straight to discovering gillyweed in it. Harry realizes that Moody put his name in the Goblet of Fire and that he bewitched Krum. As Moody is about to kill Harry, Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall burst in the room and save Harry. Dumbledore makes Moody admit that he is an imposter and that the real Moody is locked in a chest. The imposter rapidly changes from appearing like Moody to his own appearance, Barty Crouch Jr, a Death Eater working for Voldemort. The tournament ends and the other schools depar

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Harry, Ron and Hermione enter their fourth year at Hogwarts. After having a strange dream of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, Harry Potter awakes at the Weasleys' house where they shortly depart for the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. After the match, the camp is attacked by Death Eaters. The three later arrive at Hogwarts, where they find that the magical school will be hosting a legendary event called the Triwizard Tournament, in which one wizard each from two rival schools and Hogwarts will compete in three dangerous tasks. When the schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the rival schools, arrive, the rules are announced. Meanwhile, Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody arrives at Hogwarts at the request of Dumbledore to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Moody is a very eccentric man, noted for his paranoia and his wildly roaming "mad eye". People over seventeen who are interested must insert their name into the Goblet of Fire, and those chosen will be the Champions of their respective school. Three champions' names come out of the Goblet of Fire, Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, and then the goblet unexpectedly produces a fourth, Harry Potter, although he is an under-age fourth year who never entered. Although Harry insists that he did not enter his name, his selection prompts a certain amount of jealousy and suspicion on part of his fellow students - including Ron, who believes that Harry is attempting to make himself the centre of attention again. This causes a brief period of resentment and estrangement between the two friends (including Ron swearing, telling Harry to piss off!), which is soon healed, however. Dumbledore tells Alastor to keep an eye on Harry, without him knowing it.

The Tournament begins with the first event, in which the four champions must each battle a dragon to retrieve a golden egg. Upon using the Accio spell to summon his broom, he flies out of the arena. The dragon breaks free of its chain and chases Harry through the Hogwarts grounds, where it runs into a stone bridge and falls dead. Harry gets the egg, which, when opened, will reveal a clue about the second task. When Harry opens it, though, only a horrible screeching is heard. They are soon informed of the Yule Ball, a Christmas ball held during the Triwizard Tournament. Ron and Harry find it hard to get dates to the ball, but finally get the Patil twins to join them, while Hermione goes with Viktor Krum, stunning everyone with her suddenly beautiful appearance at the ball. Ron is so jealously enraged at seeing Hermione with Krum (formerly his idol) that he attacks her and accuses her of "fraternizing with the enemy". The ensuing argument leaves Hermione in tears (in the film version only).

Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts champion, informs Harry to submerge the egg in water and open it. There he will hear the clue. Harry does as told in the prefects' enormous collective bath. The clue mentions that merpeople have taken something of Harry's and that they must retrieve it from the Black Lake. Just as the three are trying to find a way to breathe underwater, Ron and Hermione are called to McGonagall's office. Neville tells Harry about gillyweed, which, if eaten, can let you grow webbed hands and feet and gills. During the second task, Harry follows a mermaid to where they have chained Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, and Fleur's sister. Cho Chang is retrieved by Cedric, Victor, the Durmstrang champion, takes Hermione. Harry takes both Ron and Fleur's sister, since she did not show up.

Finally, the third task arrives. A huge maze has been set up, in the center of which is the Triwizard Cup. The first to touch the cup wins the task. Dumbledore allows Harry and Cedric to be led into the woods first, because they both received first and second place in the previous task. Both Cedric and Harry grab the cup at the same time. The cup, which is actually a portkey, sends the two to a graveyard, where Wormtail appears with a form of Voldemort. Upon command, Wormtail kills Cedric and binds Harry to a tombstone. Wormtail performs a spell over a burning cauldron and drops Voldemort into it. A fully revived Voldemort emerges from it and summons the Death Eaters with the Dark Mark. After explaining to them how he lost his powers to Harry, he duels Harry Potter, in which their spells join in a chain. Harry breaks the chain and gets Cedric's body. After grabbing the cup again, he is transported back to the school where everyone learns that the Dark Lord is back and has killed Cedric. Mad-Eye Moody takes Harry to his office in order to help Harry calm down. Moody suddenly starts to change his appearance when he learns that he has run out of Polyjuice Potion. Moody tells Harry that it was he who told Hagrid to lead Harry and Cedric into the woods first. Moody also reveals that it was he who told Cedric to open the egg underwater and that he gave Neville the book that led him straight to discovering gillyweed in it. Harry realizes that Moody put his name in the Goblet of Fire and that he bewitched Krum. As Moody is about to kill Harry, Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall burst in the room and save Harry. Dumbledore makes Moody admit that he is an imposter and that the real Moody is locked in a chest. The imposter rapidly changes from appearing like Moody to his own appearance, Barty Crouch Jr, a Death Eater working for Voldemort. The tournament ends and the other schools depar

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

The film 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' is based on the novel of the same name by the author J. K. Rowling. It is the third in the Harry Potter series of seven instalments, and corresponds with the third academic year at 'Hogwarts' the magical school. Harry Potter is the famous young wizard at the centre of the story.

It opens at the Dursleys' home where Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) lives and is staying, as usual, during the summer holidays. Uncle Vernon's (Richard Griffiths) sister Marge (Pam Ferris) comes to visit and treats Harry with general contempt. She viciously insults him and his parents, angering Harry who unwittingly uses his innate magical powers to cause her to inflate, and float off, out of the Dursleys' house and into the twilight. Harry flees the Dursleys' home, furious. At first he walks with determination but soon grinds to a stop as he realises he hasn't anywhere to go. He sits down at the edge of the road with his trunk. His surroundings stir as the wind picks up and a street lamp flickers above him. A jet black dog emerges from the bushes opposite, growling at him and he raises his wand. At that instant however, the eccentric Knight Bus, for lost witches or wizards, makes a sharp appearance and escorts Harry on a wacky journey to the wizards' pub 'The Leaky Cauldron.' While there, Harry learns that Sirius Black (Gary Oldman), an alleged supporter of Lord Voldemort, the dark wizard, has escaped from Azkaban prison. Harry must meet the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge (Robert Hardy) and he fears expulsion from Hogwarts for his using of under-age magic out of school. However, the matter is surprisingly dropped as "...the Ministry doesn't send students to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts." While at The Leaky Cauldron Harry also reconvenes with his two best friends, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Grainger (Emma Watson), and the rest of the Weasley family. Mr. Arthur Weasley (Mark Williams) pulls Harry to one side to warn him about Sirius Black. He suggests that Harry needs to be cautious of Sirius Black due his allegiance with Voldemort. He believes that Harry is the only thing which stands in the way of Voldemort returning to power and that it is on this premise that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. To find and kill Harry Potter.

Harry, Ron and Hermione board the train to Hogwarts, discovering in their compartment the sleeping Professor Remus Lupin (David Thewlis) who is to be the new 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' teacher. Harry airs his concerns about Black's escape and his possible objective to Ron and Hermione. Tension builds during their discussion however as the train is stopped on a bridge and the lights pop out in each cabin. Ron peers out of the window, concerned that "...there is something out there." The train is violently jolted and a great cold descends around them, ice creeping over the windows. In the corridor outside, a scary dark creature slowly appears, floating towards them. It opens the door to their cabin and begins to engage frighteningly with Harry, sucking at his whole body. The sleeping teacher suddenly wakes, stands up, and repels the creature with a very bright white light emanating from his wand. Harry faints. On his coming round Lupin gives him chocolate to eat and explains that the creature is a 'Dementor' which drains happiness from anything it approaches. The Dementors ordinarily guard the wizard prison, 'The Prison of Azkaban' but are out searching for the escapee Black, and entered the train looking for him. Harry heard a woman screaming during the ordeal, but no one else heard it.

As Harry begins his third year at Hogwarts we learn of some significant changes. Alongside the official announcement of, the formerly encountered, new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin. Rubeus Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane), the groundsman, becomes additionally a professor of 'Care of Magical Creatures.' Also, Hermione seems to be taking nearly twice as many classes as everyone else, including some which are taught simultaneously.

During a Divination class, Professor Trelawney (Emma Thompson) foresees Harry's death in the tealeaves of his cup, which form the shape of a 'Grim' or large dog. In tealeaf reading this symbolises death. In Hagrid's first class, Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) deliberately provokes Buckbeak, a Hippogriff, into attacking and injuring him. Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, a powerful Ministry of Magic member of staff, files an official complaint. In Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor Lupin instructs the class in the defeat of a Boggart, which changes its form to appear as ones greatest fear. When Harry steps up, it manifests itself as a Dementor, however Lupin steps in to defeat it before Harry gets the chance.

Harry is told he cant go on the school outings to Hogsmeade, a local village inhabited solely by magical beings, as he hasnt got his admission slip signed and watches his friends go without him. Instead, he meets with Lupin, and Harry discovers that the reason he wasn't allowed to fight the Boggart was that Lupin had been worried it would take the shape of Voldemort. This concern catches Harry by surprise, because Harry had been thinking even more fearfully about the Dementors. Later that night, Sirius Black breaks into Hogwarts and destroys the Fat Lady's (Dawn French) portrait that guards Gryffindor Tower. The students spend the night sleeping in the Great Hall while the teachers search the castle for Black. Because Black is believed at large in the castle Dementors are sent specifically to patrol the perimeter of Hogwarts. Next day, Professor Snape (Alan Rickman) replaces Lupin as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher while Lupin is intriguingly "...incapable of teaching at the present time." In an odd divergence from routine, he teaches the class about Werewolves.

During the next school Quidditch match, a popular wizard sport, several Dementors approach and try to engage their powers over Harry, causing him to faint and fall off his broomstick. Dumbledore (Michael Gabon) breaks Harry's fall, but his broomstick flies off into the magical tree, the 'Whomping Willow' and is destroyed. Dumbledore is angry that the Dementors came within school grounds as they are prohibited from doing so. Harry wonders why the Dementors seem to have a special interest in him and Lupin reveals that this is due to the horrors within Harrys past. Harry considers that he needs to know how to defend himself against them and convinces Lupin as such, who agrees to teach him.

At the time of the next school outing, still keen to go to Hogsmeade, Harry attempts to sneak into the village under his Invisibility Cloak, but is caught by Fred and George Weasley (James and Oliver Phelps), who give him the Marauder's Map. It is a map of the entire school and shows the real-time locations of everyone on the grounds. Fred and George also tell Harry that the map shows the whereabouts of several secret passages out of Hogwarts, ideal for leaving undetected. Once in Hogsmeade village, and back under his Invisibility Cloak, Harry catches sight of Fudge and Professor Minerva McGonagall (Maggie Smith) chatting in the street, discussing Black and himself. He follows them as they go inside and is shocked to overhear that Sirius Black was his parents' best friend and is still his godfather and a legal guardian. Black supposedly divulged the Potters' secret whereabouts to Lord Voldemort and murdered their friend Peter Pettigrew, as well as twelve Muggle bystanders (non-magic humans). Harry vows to kill Black. On returning from the outing we find out from Hagrid that as a consequence of Lucuis Malfoys complaint, Buckbeat has been sentenced to death. That same night, after hours, Harry is astonished when he sees the aforementioned Peter Pettigrew's name on the Marauder's Map. He goes looking for him but can't find him. Discovered out of bed, the map is confiscated by Lupin who, covering for Harry, tells Professor Snape it is merely a joke parchment and of no significance.

Harry has the agreed private class with Lupin in which he must generate a Patronus, a shield that is used to repel the Dementors. Lupin has him test himself out on a Boggart. He fails the first time, but conjures one on his second attempt. Later on, returning to a recently finished Divinations class to bring back an orb knocked over by Hermione, Harry rencounters Professor Trelawney. She grabs Harry by the shoulder, speaks as though possessed, and predicts that "..the Dark Lord's servant will return to him that night and that innocent blood shall be spilled."

When Harry, Ron and Hermione learn that Buckbeak is to be executed, they visit Hagrid in his hut to console him. On the way Draco taunts them about it and Hermione punches him in the face. While there, Hagrid says they cannot remain with him during the execution and that Buckbeat can't be set free since they would know it was Hagrid. Hagrid has also found Ron's lost rat Scabbers, and returns him to Ron. Ron had wrongly believed that his rat had been taken by Hermione's cat. As the execution party approaches the hut, stones fly in through the window and they leave and run back to the edge of the castle, watching the execution from afar. Scabbers then bites Ron, who chases after him, finally collecting him under the Whomping Willow. The black dog makes another appearance and attacks Ron and drags him, along with Scabbers, into a hole at the tree's base. Harry and Hermione follow, finding a tunnel which leads them to the Shrieking Shack.

Inside, in a fast moving scene, Harry finally confronts Sirius Black who he has been led to believe wishes to kill him, and whom he wishes to kill. We discover that as an illegal Animagus, Black can transform into any animal at will, thus he is also the infamous black dog. Professor Lupin, who had spotted the group on the confiscated Marauder's Map, suddenly bursts in and embraces his old friend Black. Confronted by Hermione, Lupin admits to being a werewolf. Lupin and Black then explain that Black is not the one who betrayed the Potters, rather it was Peter Pettigrew (Timothy Spall), who has been hiding for twelve years in his Animagus form as Scabbers, Ron's rat. He is Voldemort's servant, not Black, and framed Black for his crimes. Meanwhile Snape bursts in also confronting Black but is disposed of by Harry. Harry is sceptical of the story until Black and Lupin force Pettigrew back into his human form, and after some squealing resistance Pettigrew finally confesses that it is true, proving Blacks' innocence. Black further clears up the misunderstanding by explaining that on discovering Pettigrew was still alive he escaped Azkaban in order to kill him. As Lupin and Black are about to kill Pettigrew, Harry stops them, and showing Pettigrew mercy, tells him they will take him back to the castle, where he can be left for the Dementors.

As the group heads back to the castle, Harry and Sirius pause and chat optimistically. Harry remarks that Pettigrew would be have been of no use dead. Firstly he didnt want his father's two best friends to be killers, and secondly he is the key in proving Sirius' innocence. Sirius suggests Harry comes to live with him. They are disturbed however, when, as the full moon rises it causes Lupin to turn into the dangerous werewolf since he had neglected to take his potion which inhibits this transformation. Black responds by transforming again into the black dog in order to protect Harry, Ron and Hermione. The werewolf and Black have a vicious fight. During the ensuing commotion, Pettigrew transforms himself back into the rat and escapes, not pursued. Harry runs forward in his angst at Sirus torture at the hands of the werewolf, inadvertently attracting its attention. However while approaching Harry it is distracted by some other distant werewolf cry. Meanwhile, Sirius, badly injured, has moved down to the nearby lake where he lies at the edge. Harry follows and kneels over him. As he does so, a swarm of Dementors approaches them. Harry produces a Patronus to try and fend them off, however it is not nearly strong enough and they both begin to submit to the Dementors. Then on the other side of the river appears the brilliant white symbol of a stag and an immense Patronus which drives the Dementors away. Harry faints.

Harry awakens in the hospital wing to hear the news that Sirius Black has been captured and is about to be given the Dementor's Kiss, to suck out his soul. Dumbledore enters and Harry, Ron and Hermione try and convince him of Blacks' innocence. Dumbledore somehow already knows but says that their word alone wont be believed. He suggests mysteriously however, that Harry and Hermione travel in time back by using Hermione's time-turning device, which we now find out is how she has been attending simultaneous classes, and at least save both Black and Buckbeak from their fates. Hermione turns her hour-glass necklace back three turns (three hours), and Harry and Hermione are together thrust into the past, where they observe and remould the evenings events. They throw stones through the window of Hagrid's hut, alerting themselves to the approaching execution party. They rescue Buckbeak while the execution party is inside with Hargid shortly before the execution, thus absolving Hargid of any blame. Hermione diverts the attention of the werewolf Lupin stalking the past Harry with an imitation of another werewolf's cry. And, from a hiding place in the forest, Harry watches the Dementor sequence and realises as it fails to appear, that he must have been the one who conjured the powerful Patronus. After saving his past self and Black from the Dementors, Harry and Hermione fly to the tower on Buckbeat where Black is imprisoned, and rescue him. Harry and Black share a moment of contemplation as since Black is going to be on the run, still wanted and without proof of his innocence, their relationship will now be sadly fraught with complications and Harry's dream of living with his godfather is shattered. However, Harry takes comfort in knowing that Black, although still considered a fugitive, is at least free and safe for the time being. Black and Buckbeak leave, Black riding on his back. Harry and Hermione make it back to the hospital wing just as the timeline restores itself, and a reticent Dumbledore merrily bids them goodnight.

As the school year end approaches, Lupin announces that he is resigning, believing that parents of the students would not be comfortable in the now open knowledge that he is a werewolf. He returns the Marauders Map to Harry since he is no longer a professor. Harry later receives a gift from an unknown source, a Firebolt, an extremely fast racing broom. Hermione holds up a large feather, also contained within the parcel, confirming that Sirius must have sent it. Harry tries it out and is whisked away from sight, ending the film with the snapshot image of Harry flying his new broom, ecstatic.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

The film 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' is based on the novel of the same name by the author J. K. Rowling. It is the third in the Harry Potter series of seven instalments, and corresponds with the third academic year at 'Hogwarts' the magical school. Harry Potter is the famous young wizard at the centre of the story.

It opens at the Dursleys' home where Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) lives and is staying, as usual, during the summer holidays. Uncle Vernon's (Richard Griffiths) sister Marge (Pam Ferris) comes to visit and treats Harry with general contempt. She viciously insults him and his parents, angering Harry who unwittingly uses his innate magical powers to cause her to inflate, and float off, out of the Dursleys' house and into the twilight. Harry flees the Dursleys' home, furious. At first he walks with determination but soon grinds to a stop as he realises he hasn't anywhere to go. He sits down at the edge of the road with his trunk. His surroundings stir as the wind picks up and a street lamp flickers above him. A jet black dog emerges from the bushes opposite, growling at him and he raises his wand. At that instant however, the eccentric Knight Bus, for lost witches or wizards, makes a sharp appearance and escorts Harry on a wacky journey to the wizards' pub 'The Leaky Cauldron.' While there, Harry learns that Sirius Black (Gary Oldman), an alleged supporter of Lord Voldemort, the dark wizard, has escaped from Azkaban prison. Harry must meet the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge (Robert Hardy) and he fears expulsion from Hogwarts for his using of under-age magic out of school. However, the matter is surprisingly dropped as "...the Ministry doesn't send students to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts." While at The Leaky Cauldron Harry also reconvenes with his two best friends, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Grainger (Emma Watson), and the rest of the Weasley family. Mr. Arthur Weasley (Mark Williams) pulls Harry to one side to warn him about Sirius Black. He suggests that Harry needs to be cautious of Sirius Black due his allegiance with Voldemort. He believes that Harry is the only thing which stands in the way of Voldemort returning to power and that it is on this premise that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. To find and kill Harry Potter.

Harry, Ron and Hermione board the train to Hogwarts, discovering in their compartment the sleeping Professor Remus Lupin (David Thewlis) who is to be the new 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' teacher. Harry airs his concerns about Black's escape and his possible objective to Ron and Hermione. Tension builds during their discussion however as the train is stopped on a bridge and the lights pop out in each cabin. Ron peers out of the window, concerned that "...there is something out there." The train is violently jolted and a great cold descends around them, ice creeping over the windows. In the corridor outside, a scary dark creature slowly appears, floating towards them. It opens the door to their cabin and begins to engage frighteningly with Harry, sucking at his whole body. The sleeping teacher suddenly wakes, stands up, and repels the creature with a very bright white light emanating from his wand. Harry faints. On his coming round Lupin gives him chocolate to eat and explains that the creature is a 'Dementor' which drains happiness from anything it approaches. The Dementors ordinarily guard the wizard prison, 'The Prison of Azkaban' but are out searching for the escapee Black, and entered the train looking for him. Harry heard a woman screaming during the ordeal, but no one else heard it.

As Harry begins his third year at Hogwarts we learn of some significant changes. Alongside the official announcement of, the formerly encountered, new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin. Rubeus Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane), the groundsman, becomes additionally a professor of 'Care of Magical Creatures.' Also, Hermione seems to be taking nearly twice as many classes as everyone else, including some which are taught simultaneously.

During a Divination class, Professor Trelawney (Emma Thompson) foresees Harry's death in the tealeaves of his cup, which form the shape of a 'Grim' or large dog. In tealeaf reading this symbolises death. In Hagrid's first class, Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) deliberately provokes Buckbeak, a Hippogriff, into attacking and injuring him. Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, a powerful Ministry of Magic member of staff, files an official complaint. In Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor Lupin instructs the class in the defeat of a Boggart, which changes its form to appear as ones greatest fear. When Harry steps up, it manifests itself as a Dementor, however Lupin steps in to defeat it before Harry gets the chance.

Harry is told he cant go on the school outings to Hogsmeade, a local village inhabited solely by magical beings, as he hasnt got his admission slip signed and watches his friends go without him. Instead, he meets with Lupin, and Harry discovers that the reason he wasn't allowed to fight the Boggart was that Lupin had been worried it would take the shape of Voldemort. This concern catches Harry by surprise, because Harry had been thinking even more fearfully about the Dementors. Later that night, Sirius Black breaks into Hogwarts and destroys the Fat Lady's (Dawn French) portrait that guards Gryffindor Tower. The students spend the night sleeping in the Great Hall while the teachers search the castle for Black. Because Black is believed at large in the castle Dementors are sent specifically to patrol the perimeter of Hogwarts. Next day, Professor Snape (Alan Rickman) replaces Lupin as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher while Lupin is intriguingly "...incapable of teaching at the present time." In an odd divergence from routine, he teaches the class about Werewolves.

During the next school Quidditch match, a popular wizard sport, several Dementors approach and try to engage their powers over Harry, causing him to faint and fall off his broomstick. Dumbledore (Michael Gabon) breaks Harry's fall, but his broomstick flies off into the magical tree, the 'Whomping Willow' and is destroyed. Dumbledore is angry that the Dementors came within school grounds as they are prohibited from doing so. Harry wonders why the Dementors seem to have a special interest in him and Lupin reveals that this is due to the horrors within Harrys past. Harry considers that he needs to know how to defend himself against them and convinces Lupin as such, who agrees to teach him.

At the time of the next school outing, still keen to go to Hogsmeade, Harry attempts to sneak into the village under his Invisibility Cloak, but is caught by Fred and George Weasley (James and Oliver Phelps), who give him the Marauder's Map. It is a map of the entire school and shows the real-time locations of everyone on the grounds. Fred and George also tell Harry that the map shows the whereabouts of several secret passages out of Hogwarts, ideal for leaving undetected. Once in Hogsmeade village, and back under his Invisibility Cloak, Harry catches sight of Fudge and Professor Minerva McGonagall (Maggie Smith) chatting in the street, discussing Black and himself. He follows them as they go inside and is shocked to overhear that Sirius Black was his parents' best friend and is still his godfather and a legal guardian. Black supposedly divulged the Potters' secret whereabouts to Lord Voldemort and murdered their friend Peter Pettigrew, as well as twelve Muggle bystanders (non-magic humans). Harry vows to kill Black. On returning from the outing we find out from Hagrid that as a consequence of Lucuis Malfoys complaint, Buckbeat has been sentenced to death. That same night, after hours, Harry is astonished when he sees the aforementioned Peter Pettigrew's name on the Marauder's Map. He goes looking for him but can't find him. Discovered out of bed, the map is confiscated by Lupin who, covering for Harry, tells Professor Snape it is merely a joke parchment and of no significance.

Harry has the agreed private class with Lupin in which he must generate a Patronus, a shield that is used to repel the Dementors. Lupin has him test himself out on a Boggart. He fails the first time, but conjures one on his second attempt. Later on, returning to a recently finished Divinations class to bring back an orb knocked over by Hermione, Harry rencounters Professor Trelawney. She grabs Harry by the shoulder, speaks as though possessed, and predicts that "..the Dark Lord's servant will return to him that night and that innocent blood shall be spilled."

When Harry, Ron and Hermione learn that Buckbeak is to be executed, they visit Hagrid in his hut to console him. On the way Draco taunts them about it and Hermione punches him in the face. While there, Hagrid says they cannot remain with him during the execution and that Buckbeat can't be set free since they would know it was Hagrid. Hagrid has also found Ron's lost rat Scabbers, and returns him to Ron. Ron had wrongly believed that his rat had been taken by Hermione's cat. As the execution party approaches the hut, stones fly in through the window and they leave and run back to the edge of the castle, watching the execution from afar. Scabbers then bites Ron, who chases after him, finally collecting him under the Whomping Willow. The black dog makes another appearance and attacks Ron and drags him, along with Scabbers, into a hole at the tree's base. Harry and Hermione follow, finding a tunnel which leads them to the Shrieking Shack.

Inside, in a fast moving scene, Harry finally confronts Sirius Black who he has been led to believe wishes to kill him, and whom he wishes to kill. We discover that as an illegal Animagus, Black can transform into any animal at will, thus he is also the infamous black dog. Professor Lupin, who had spotted the group on the confiscated Marauder's Map, suddenly bursts in and embraces his old friend Black. Confronted by Hermione, Lupin admits to being a werewolf. Lupin and Black then explain that Black is not the one who betrayed the Potters, rather it was Peter Pettigrew (Timothy Spall), who has been hiding for twelve years in his Animagus form as Scabbers, Ron's rat. He is Voldemort's servant, not Black, and framed Black for his crimes. Meanwhile Snape bursts in also confronting Black but is disposed of by Harry. Harry is sceptical of the story until Black and Lupin force Pettigrew back into his human form, and after some squealing resistance Pettigrew finally confesses that it is true, proving Blacks' innocence. Black further clears up the misunderstanding by explaining that on discovering Pettigrew was still alive he escaped Azkaban in order to kill him. As Lupin and Black are about to kill Pettigrew, Harry stops them, and showing Pettigrew mercy, tells him they will take him back to the castle, where he can be left for the Dementors.

As the group heads back to the castle, Harry and Sirius pause and chat optimistically. Harry remarks that Pettigrew would be have been of no use dead. Firstly he didnt want his father's two best friends to be killers, and secondly he is the key in proving Sirius' innocence. Sirius suggests Harry comes to live with him. They are disturbed however, when, as the full moon rises it causes Lupin to turn into the dangerous werewolf since he had neglected to take his potion which inhibits this transformation. Black responds by transforming again into the black dog in order to protect Harry, Ron and Hermione. The werewolf and Black have a vicious fight. During the ensuing commotion, Pettigrew transforms himself back into the rat and escapes, not pursued. Harry runs forward in his angst at Sirus torture at the hands of the werewolf, inadvertently attracting its attention. However while approaching Harry it is distracted by some other distant werewolf cry. Meanwhile, Sirius, badly injured, has moved down to the nearby lake where he lies at the edge. Harry follows and kneels over him. As he does so, a swarm of Dementors approaches them. Harry produces a Patronus to try and fend them off, however it is not nearly strong enough and they both begin to submit to the Dementors. Then on the other side of the river appears the brilliant white symbol of a stag and an immense Patronus which drives the Dementors away. Harry faints.

Harry awakens in the hospital wing to hear the news that Sirius Black has been captured and is about to be given the Dementor's Kiss, to suck out his soul. Dumbledore enters and Harry, Ron and Hermione try and convince him of Blacks' innocence. Dumbledore somehow already knows but says that their word alone wont be believed. He suggests mysteriously however, that Harry and Hermione travel in time back by using Hermione's time-turning device, which we now find out is how she has been attending simultaneous classes, and at least save both Black and Buckbeak from their fates. Hermione turns her hour-glass necklace back three turns (three hours), and Harry and Hermione are together thrust into the past, where they observe and remould the evenings events. They throw stones through the window of Hagrid's hut, alerting themselves to the approaching execution party. They rescue Buckbeak while the execution party is inside with Hargid shortly before the execution, thus absolving Hargid of any blame. Hermione diverts the attention of the werewolf Lupin stalking the past Harry with an imitation of another werewolf's cry. And, from a hiding place in the forest, Harry watches the Dementor sequence and realises as it fails to appear, that he must have been the one who conjured the powerful Patronus. After saving his past self and Black from the Dementors, Harry and Hermione fly to the tower on Buckbeat where Black is imprisoned, and rescue him. Harry and Black share a moment of contemplation as since Black is going to be on the run, still wanted and without proof of his innocence, their relationship will now be sadly fraught with complications and Harry's dream of living with his godfather is shattered. However, Harry takes comfort in knowing that Black, although still considered a fugitive, is at least free and safe for the time being. Black and Buckbeak leave, Black riding on his back. Harry and Hermione make it back to the hospital wing just as the timeline restores itself, and a reticent Dumbledore merrily bids them goodnight.

As the school year end approaches, Lupin announces that he is resigning, believing that parents of the students would not be comfortable in the now open knowledge that he is a werewolf. He returns the Marauders Map to Harry since he is no longer a professor. Harry later receives a gift from an unknown source, a Firebolt, an extremely fast racing broom. Hermione holds up a large feather, also contained within the parcel, confirming that Sirius must have sent it. Harry tries it out and is whisked away from sight, ending the film with the snapshot image of Harry flying his new broom, ecstatic.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

While home with the Dursleys for the summer, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is not getting any mail from his friends, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson). On his twelfth birthday (July 31) Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf, who warns Harry that he will be in mortal danger if he returns to Hogwarts. Harry ignores Dobby's warning and is determined to return. It turns out that Dobby has been collecting Harry's letters to make it seem as though his friends had forgotten him, hoping Harry might then not want to return to Hogwarts. Seeing that he will have to use force, Dobby decides to destroy, by the use of a charm, a large cake that Aunt Petunia (Fiona Shaw) has baked for an important dinner party attended by Vernon Dursley's (Richard Griffiths) boss and his wife. Harry is blamed by the Ministry of Magic for Dobby's charm, and is told that if he does magic outside school again, he will be expelled. On learning that Harry cannot perform magic outside school, the Dursleys, previously fearful of his wizarding, lock Harrys books and wand away and Vernon Dursley fits bars onto his bedroom window, making Harry a prisoner.

A few days later, Fred, George (James and Oliver Phelps) and Ron Weasley come to his rescue in their father's enchanted Ford Anglia. After a pleasant summer together in the the Weasley house, everyone heads to Platform 9¾ to take the Hogwarts Express back to school. To their shock, Harry and Ron are unable to enter the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. In desperation, they fly to Hogwarts in the car, crashing into the Whomping Willow and damaging Ron's wand. The semi-sentient car ejects them and their belongings and disappears into the Forbidden Forest.

Harry soon finds he is the unwanted centre of attention of three people: the vain new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Gilderoy Lockhart (Kenneth Branagh), admirer Colin Creevey (Hugh Mitchell), and Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright), who fancies Harry. Events take a turn for the worse when the Chamber of Secrets is opened and a monster stalks the castle, with the power literally to petrify several students. According to legend, the Chamber was built by Salazar Slytherin and can only be opened by his heir, in order to purge Hogwarts of students who are not pure-blood wizards. Many suspect Harry is the Heir of Slytherin, especially after he inadvertently speaks Parseltongue (the language of snakes), a rare ability Harry gained after Voldemort's murderous attack upon him when he was an infant.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione attempt to discover the Heir of Slytherin's true identity. Using Polyjuice Potion brewed by Hermione, they disguise themselves as Slytherin students, Crabbe (Jamie Waylett) and Goyle (Josh Herman), hoping to learn from Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) the identity of the Heir. Malfoy, they learn, does not know who the Heir of Slytherin is, but he inadvertently provides Harry and Ron with an important clue about the Chamber of Secrets.

Unfortunately, the hair that Hermione took from Millicent Bullstrode's uniform was from a cat, and as the polyjuice potion is only intended for human transformations she assumes a feline appearance; it takes a little more than a month to restore her normal human form. During her time in the hospital wing, the shades are pulled around Hermione's bed so that she does not have to endure the shame and humiliation of being stared at by other students, with rumours going around about her disappearance, and Harry and Ron bring Hermione her homework at her request. She is released from the hospital wing in early February, her normal appearance restored, and looks over the diary of Tom Riddle (Christian Coulson) when Harry shows it to her, but she cannot make much of it.

The attacks increase throughout the year, petrifying more students, including Hermione. Most horribly, a message written on a wall declares that Ginny Weasley has been taken into the Chamber, where "her skeleton will lie forever."

With the help of Ron and Moaning Myrtle (Shirley Henderson), Harry discovers the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. They force Gilderoy Lockhart, a fraud who wipes clean other wizards' memories and claims their achievements, to go with them. Once they find the entrance to the Chamber, Lockhart attempts to use Ron's broken wand to erase Harry and Ron's memories, but the spell backfires on to himself and brings the ceiling caving in, separating Harry from Ron and Lockhart. Lockhart revives, but has now lost his own memory.

Harry makes it to the Chamber where he finds an unconscious Ginny. He also meets a young man named Tom Riddle, who claims to be a "memory". Harry learns that Ginny, under the control of Lord Voldemort, opened the Chamber. Voldemort, whose real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle (the anagram of which is "I am Lord Voldemort"), imprinted his memory in an enchanted diary, in order to one day continue the work he began when he reopened the Chamber fifty years ago ridding Hogwarts of non-pureblood witches and wizards. It was Hagrid, a Hogwarts student at the time, who was blamed for the attacks and expelled.

Tom Riddle's memory grows more powerful as it steals life from Ginny's body, and it tries to kill Harry by setting loose a basilisk (the monster responsible for petrifying the students). But Dumbledore's (Richard Harris) phoenix, Fawkes, arrives carrying the Sorting Hat, from which Harry draws out the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Fawkes blinds the basilisk, destroying its fatal gaze, and Harry slays it with the sword. In attempting to slay the basilisk Harry's arm has been pierced by the creature's fang. Harry seems to be dying quickly from the venom but Fawkes comes to heal Harry with his tears (phoenix tears have healing power). Harry stabs the diary with one of the basilisk's fangs, and the memory of Riddle is destroyed, while Ginny revives from her near-death state. She recovers fully, along with Hermione, Mrs Norris, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Nearly Headless Nick (John Cleese), Colin Creevey, Penelope Clearwater and the other students who were petrified.

Harry realises it was Lucius Malfoy (Jason Isaacs), Draco Malfoy's father, who slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron when he encountered the Weasleys in a Diagon Alley bookshop, but he is unable to prove it. Dobby reveals he is the Malfoys' servant, and knowing their treachery, had been trying to protect Harry all year. In gratitude, Harry wraps the diary in one of his old socks and hands it to Lucius. Lucius throws away the sock, but Dobby catches it. This constitutes, in Dobby's eyes, a gift of clothing the traditional manner in which a master frees a house-elf from servitude. The freed Dobby declares he is eternally grateful to Harry and protects him from an attempted reprisal from Lucius. In the film of the same name the word "Avada" is used as the beginning of Lucius Malfoy's curse, suggesting that it is the Avada Kedavra (the killing curse). This is not mentioned in the novel.

Dumbledore dispels Harry's fears that he could have been put into Slytherin rather than into Gryffindor when he tells Harry that it is his choices that define him and not his abilities, and that Harry could not have wielded the sword of Gryffindor if he did not truly belong to that house.